Grade 7
Homework can be found on the board and on Google Classroom every day .
Homework is 5 pts.
Late homeworks is 2.5pts.
Quizzes can be retaken if it is lower than 80%.
Participation is graded based on individual perforamnce.
Extra Help:
Please sign up in Google Classroom Extra Help first!
Monday- Friday Mornings
Any Afternoons by Appointment
Pinyin Chart shows all the pinyin combination and their sounds
Pinyin Pronunciation desmonstrates how to pronounce each pinyin
Pinyin Converter converts Chinese to characters
Online Dictionary used as a word reference resrouce
Quizlet Search for user: lcjsmszhang for all the study sets
ArchChinese This is a very good vocabulary learning website providing stroke by a stroke character writing study for EVERY character.
Chinese Etymology shows how characters are changing thru the years.
Chinese Grammar Wiki demonstrates grammar with sample sentences
Youtuber: Twin Cities Chinese Tutor
Youtuber: Chinese Zero to Hero
Listening Downloads provide all topics of Chinese listening materials